In Anno 1800, during the quest “A Triftling Matter: A Demanding Guest”, there is a quest called “Royal Reading”. The queen asks you to send so-called holiday readings to the Imperial Quartermaster’s Vessel. Since there is neither a follow-up quest nor a clue to the exact copy of the holiday literature, it confuses many players. In the guide we explain what the holiday reading quest in Anno 1800 is all about and how you solve it.
How to get holiday reading in Anno 1800?
Is the quest “A Triftling Matter: A Demanding Guest – Royal Reading: Deliver holiday reading to the Imperial Quartermaster’s Vessel” in your quest log and you don’t know how to complete the quest? Then you have the same problem as many other players. Since several conquerors are plagued by the same problem, a bug in the quest could be obvious..
However, the quest isn’t supposed to be about a specific book – it seems like you have a free choice of literature to present to the queen. If you choose a book that she likes as holiday reading, she will reward you with special items. Our list shows you what her priorities are for the selected reading.
Holiday reading that suits the Queen
Here you will find some books from Anno 1800, which are suitable as holiday reading for the queen and for completing the quest “A Triftling Matter: A Demanding Guest – Royal Reading” – sorted by priority:
- 50 Shades of Gravy
- Antique Novel
- Atlantean Tablet
- Folk Tales
- Song of Ilion
- Song of Odysseus
- The Rings Of The Kings
- Twenty-Thousand Days Around The Centre Of The Earth
Reward: 1801 Nights
This holiday reading is okay
If you don’t own any of the reading material listed above, use the following alternatives. The queen won’t be particularly happy about it, but it will complete the quest. You can easily buy many books from Sir Archibald Blake.
- Chronicles of Enbesa
- Chronicles of Enbesa
- Chronicles of Enbesa
- Chronicles of Enbesa
- Glory of Kings
- Heimskringla
- Illuminated Manuscript
- Morticromicron
- Qing’s Volume of Poetry
- Sæmundar Edda
Rewards (one of):
- Brownbeard’s Cutlass
- Golden War Helm
- Regal Gold Ring
- Shroud of the Great King
- Silken Fabrics
- Silver Helmet
- Silver Ring
- Silver Shield
- Silver Sword
- Tara Brooch
More books to present to the Queen
If you give her one of the following books for the holiday reading quest in Anno 1800, the queen will not be particularly happy, but the task will still be completed.
- A Mighty Martial Law Declaration
- A Study For Men
- A Vindication of Women’s Rights
- Amnesty on Religious Symbology
- An Anarchist: A Self-Portrait
- An Essay on Birth Control
- Ancient Manifest
- Archbishop Stipwick’s Stiff-Lipped Curfew
- Arthur Ramshackle’s Grand Reservoir Plans
- Artur’s Portfolio
- Bank Holiday Decree
- Bente Jorgensen’s Perfectly Paid Vacations Act
- Bertie Pinkie-Toff’s Edict of Elitism
- Caprice Ltd, The Monopoly On Local Construction
- Captains Of Industry, Vol IV
- Captains Of Industry, Vol XVI
- Captains Of Industry, Vol XXXI
- Censored Books Act
- Certificate of Industrial Standard
- Certificate of Inspection
- Chimney Sweep Charter
- Church Tax Law
- City Map Act
- Coal Burner Advertisement
- Coal Permit
- Collegiate Bill
- Contraception Regulation
- Decreased Alcohol Tax Act
- Decreased Alcohol Tax Bylaws
- Demonstration Ban
- Eagerly’s Every-Fifth-Day-a-Half-Day Act
- Early Closure Act
- Essays on the Freedom to Love
- Evangeliser’s Tracts
- Evening Curfew
- Exchange Rate Increase
- Excommunication Act
- Extended Schooling Act
- Fire Prevention Directive
- Fire Safety Poster
- Fizgig’s Fabulous Fireproofing Failsafe
- Free Press Act
- Freedom of Association Act
- Freedom of Faith Act
- George Smith’s Statute of Universal Collaboration
- Goods Duties Reduction Act
- Graveyard Relocation Measures
- Green’s Law to Postpone The Apocalypse
- Headteacher’s Charter
- Heavy Coal Permit
- Hieromonk Bede’s Cheeky Little Tithe Law
- High Fees Law
- Historical Preservation Act
- Import Tax Reduction Act
- Journal of Common Thought
- Journal of Popular Thought
- La Tribune Libre
- Lady Cerebellum’s Ickle Bickle Classrooms Charter
- Lady Dumbedown’s Colossal Class Size Charter
- Lady Hunt’s Advice on Being A Patient Spouse
- Lady Hunt’s Order of Silence
- Lax Water Treatment Law
- Le Tocsin
- Lord Farquahar’s Alcohol Tax Amendment
- Lord Footprint’s Gargantuan Smokestack Act
- Lord Stringer’s Stringent Usury Laws
- Lord Wainthrop’s Booze Taxationations Most Severe!
- Lucius’ Long-Lost Doctrine of the Faith
- Madame Kahina’s Executive Tourism Drive
- Major Income Tax Amendment
- Major Tourism Campaign
- Malching’s Back-to-Back Itinerary for Serfs
- Mandatory Mass Law
- Mercier’s Cookbook
- Mercier’s Manifesto of the Free
- Mercier’s Separate Church and State Clause
- Midnight Curfew
- Millicent’s Manifesto of the Suffragette
- Minimum Schooling Act
- Minimum Working Age 6 Act
- Minimum Working Age 8 Act
- Minor Income Tax Amendment
- Minor Tourism Campaign
- Miserable Max’s Brutal Tax Legislation
- Miss Jorgensen’s Exemplary “School-to-16” Proposal
- Moderate Alcohol Tax
- Moderation Act
- Mr. Slippery’s Splendiferous Sewage Proposal
- Mrs. Beetle’s Repulsive Law on Pestilence
- Mrs. O’Mara’s Marvellous Tax Relief Regulations
- Ms. Amelia’s Essential Prohibition Measures
- Mssr. Fontaine’s Street Signage Solution
- Night and Day Pollution By-Law
- Night Pollution By-Law
- Noon Closure Act
- On Civil Disobedience
- On the Inferior Nature of Women
- Papal Paper of Prenatal Preservation
- Parish Tax Law
- Patriarch Grigor’s Calendar of Holy Days
- Patriarchy, the Root of Class Struggle
- Political Club Dissolution Order
- Potholes Decree
- Proclamation of Knighthood
- Queen’s Birthday Decree
- Religious Schooling Charter
- Right of Protest Act
- Rioter Amesty Law
- Rioter Immunity Act
- Sabbath Repeal Law
- Safer Roofs Fund
- Saponification Tax
- School Discipline Charter
- Secularised Bylaws
- Sir Archie’s Royal Minty Printy Thingy
- Slave Owner’s Ledger
- Small Alcohol Tax
- Spartan Schooling Charter
- Statutory Night Work Act
- Statutory Twelve Hour Day Act
- Sunday Best Law
- Taboo Books Act
- Tax Rebates
- Tax Reduction Legislation
- Teetotalers Manifesto
- The Art of Medicine
- The Art of Rule
- The Capitalist
- The Exquisite
- The Firebrand and the Free
- The Historical Sophisms of the Doctrinaire School of Communism
- The Holy Book
- The Kaleidoscopeum Quarterly Review
- The Lord’s Blessing
- The Pulltoddle Freedom of Assembly Act
- The Subjection of Women
- The Withdrawal Amendment
- Timothy’s Blurry Law of Utter Depravity
- Toll and Loan Rates Increase
- Treatise on Freedom of Speech
- Von Malching’s Labour Law Proposal
- Von Malching’s Minimum Working Age 4 Proposal
- Waste Treatment Act
- Willie’s Autobiography
Reward: none
Anno 1800: Complete holiday reading quest with Easter Egg
You get a very special reaction from the queen when you give her Bente Jorgenson’s character item called Bente’s Travel Journal. This triggers a special Easter Egg.
Reward: 1801 Nights
Last modified: 2. January 2024